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Voices Against Terrorism

Support our effort to fight terrorism. Contact us to become a member (free membership is available), receive free informational CD and take the pledge against terrorism!

The pledge against terrorism:

As a member, I accept the Pledge Against Terrorism as follows:
I pledge to fight terrorism by:
1. Sharing the Voices Against Terrorism self-education kit with 3 people and encouraging them to take the pledge.
2. Writing one letter in the next 3 months to the media and one to my elected representatives to voice my opinion regarding the fight against terrorism.

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. On this page we might present different options to encourage others to get involved in our cause. For example:

Volunteer Your Time

Under this heading, we'll give information about how and where to volunteer time and energy.

Register for an Upcoming Event

Fun activities are a great way to get people involved. Here we might describe some of our organization's activities and include a link to the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page.

Make a Donation

Here we'll talk about how to make a donation, reminding people that charitable contributions are tax deductible.

Write a Letter or Sign a Petition

Here we might list the names of people to write to or suggest signing an online petition.